Photography: Saara Autere
Ontto harmaa tanssi
Ontto harmaa tanssi (Hollow Gray Dance) is a collaboration between choreographers Anna Mustonen and Veli Lehtovaara, poet Olli-Pekka Tennilä, sound designer Tatu Nenonen and light designer Topias Toppinen. The piece is constructed around the poems of Ontto harmaa (Poesia 2016) written by Tennilä.
Ontto Harmaa Tanssi explores the margins of and connections between body and language, poetry and dance, and book and performance. The work resides in space, the forest, at sea as well as in the streets. It examines the relationship between fragments and environments, perception, and sensitivity. The performance seeks to open a place for the poems to become heard, seen, and known in a different way.
Critic in Huvudstadsbladet, Jan-Peter Kaiku
Performers: Veli Lehtovaara, Anna Mustonen and Olli-Pekka Tennilä | Choreography: Veli Lehtovaara and Anna Mustonen | Sound Design: Tatu Nenonen | Light Design: Topias Toppinen | Book: Ontto harmaa (Poesia 2016) | Picture: Olli-Pekka Tennilä | In collaboration with Mad House Helsinki, Runokuu, Ehkä-tuotanto | Supported by Taiteen edistämiskeskus, Suomen Kulttuurirahasto | Premier: 19.8.2020 Mad House Helsinki, Runokuu festival | Performances: Kutomo / Ehkä-tuotanto, Turku (FI) Duration: 60 min