Crystal workshop with Mikko Hyvönen in Brussels is delighted to invite you for the morning workshop for advanced dancers with Mikko Hyvönen from 29 February to 6 March.

We appreciate your reservations in advance through, max. 10 persons.

Image: Timo Wright

Image: Timo Wright

Practices for 2016 - Crystal workshop

What can it mean to practice dancing and performing in 2016, when every project is very different and trying to define performing arts from a new standpoint? What can be practiced? Are there any meaningful practices for dancer or performer anymore?

In this workshop we attempt to work around those questions by stealing practices from different methods, choreographers and teachers and by attempting to create our own meaningful or meaningless experiments.

Most practices that I'm interested of at the moment intend on developing our energetic and vibrational sensibilities including magical, spiritual, ritualistic and ecstatic elements to work with dance, movement, voice, breath, healing and imagination. - Mikko Hyvönen